
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Liberty and Learning For All!

Hello! I have been on an extended absence since I switched schools and got used to a new routine, but I am ready to start blogging again!  I thought it was only fitting to start with a celebration post....a celebration of school counselors!  I wanted to share what I did to celebrate National School Counselor's Week last month. My co-counselor and I decided to create a treat for all the staff at my school and created tags that looked somewhat like this:                                   
                              Happy School Counselor's Week 2013


Angela     Amanda     YOU

Thanks for being our THIRD MUSKETEER!

We printed the tags on blue paper and used fancier fonts, layouts, etc. but the gist is there.  We attached each tag to a fun-size Three Musketeers bar and put one in each staff person's box, which the staff seemed to enjoy as a beginning of the week treat.        

In order to incorporate our students, we also decided to do a classroom activity to celebrate school counseling. I drew a huge puzzle on bulletin board paper and then cut out the puzzle piece by piece, numbering the pieces on the back so I would remember how the pieces fit back together.  I then gave each classroom a puzzle piece and asked students to decorate it with pictures of things they had learned during guidance lessons, words they would use to describe the school counselors, or any other decorations.  After receiving the decorated puzzle pieces, I created this bulletin board.

The kids pass by this bulletin board each day in the main hall and always make comments about which piece they worked on in class.  You can see more detail on a few pieces here:


It's great to be back!       

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