
Sunday, August 26, 2012

From Air to Sea....Back to School

This school year is bringing big changes for me.  I have moved schools for the first time in eight years, and although I am staying in the air with my new mascot, a STAR, our theme for the year is "Riding the Wave to Success".  In between setting up my new office, introducing myself to new staff, and getting to know the policies and procedures that accompany any school change, I found out I was in charge of a string of bulletin boards on one of our main school halls.  I must admit that even though I LOVE being creative and consider myself artistic, bulletin boards are not my forte.  However, I happened upon some fantastic luck when I realized my neighbor had some decorations at her house from a summer activity that would work with my school's new theme.  I thought I would share some of the pictures, and I will add more this week so you can see the details more closely.  The wide view does not do them justice, in my humble opinion.

Ocean themes can be used in lots of different ways at school so you might be interested to know that the fish are made from plastic 2-liter bottles that were spray painted and decorated.  The jellyfish are garbage bags spray painted purple, filled with paper, and tied under the head.  I also stapled on green art supply store sea grass and some sea flowers made of feathers and green straws.  The effect of the boards all together side by side is fantastic!  Throughout the year, the board with "Caught You" will recognize the students from each grade level classroom who earn the character trait award each month.  The "Going Fishing for Good Character Board" will remind students of the different character trait words, and the "Swimming Along" board will highlight classroom work that is created during classroom guidance lessons.

I also have a "Rainbow Fish" bulletin board in my new office that reminds students of prosocial behaviors and showcases some more of these great ocean decorations. I will share those photos ASAP along with all the ways I hope to make the transition to my new school go smoothly!  Until then, I hope everyone's first few weeks of school go "swimmingly".


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