Our job is often measured in changes that may go unnoticed by others during the fast-paced, high stress weeks of school (surely that's not just my school ;o) ); the child who can finally walk down the hallway to class instead of crying and fighting to stay in the car every morning because they know you will be there to help them, the student who doesn't mind taking Accelerated Math tests anymore because you worked with her on positive thoughts and anxiety, and the student who went from four negative reports home a week to zero because you worked on and kept practicing specific behaviors for the classroom. These are all great improvements, but we have to do more. Here are some examples:
1. Morning Show/Newsletter/Website/Parent Letters: I am certain that most school counselors have websites and may send home updates about what they are doing at school. If not, it is a great way to inform parents of the lessons, programs, groups, etc. that you are offering at school. I used to have a Weebly website, which I loved, until I moved to a new county that didn't allow it. Now, I just use the template that is required and don't get to have as many of the bells and whistles on my site. However, I am lucky to be included in the "Specialist" (music, PE, art, etc.) quarterly newsletter that is sent home to all students. I write up my articles about what I am doing and make sure to include my website link so parents can access additional information.
Also, I LOVE going on the Morning Show at our school to talk about events that are going on. My media specialist is great about fitting me in whenever I want. I even made this GoAnimate cartoon to share during the Morning Show at the beginning of the year, although I am still waiting for the correct cord to make it technically possible to show it to ALL students (some have seen it in groups with me). Check it out:
School Counselor Intro by apoovey on GoAnimate
2. Staff Meetings: Each year I request to be put on the agenda at an opening staff meeting so I can share my plans for the year. I include any new information that has been passed down from the county level, an overview of my annual plan for the year, and my specific action plans based on data. I use PREZI because it is perfect for my goal of just focusing on the "big picture" information while I verbally share the details, and it is much more engaging to watch. Here are some examples of information I include.
I love the ASCA National Model so I want my staff to have at least heard of this framework. I also reintroduced the Guidance Essential Standards to them this year after mentioning it at another staff meeting last year.
Here are my action plans for the year written in a very general way. I focus on one specific plan for each of the ASCA domains (academic, personal/social, and career), and then I always include a plan addressing attendance. If kids aren't at school, how can they be successful?!
The annual plan information gives an overview of how I will be interacting with them during the year: classroom guidance, small groups, schoolwide programs, and monthly activities that will involve them.
3. School Advisory Council: I haven't always had a school advisory council, but I think it is a good way to get feedback and publicize your program. The people included are my fantastic co-counselor, a 3-5 teacher who is also a parent, an administrator who is also a parent, a specialist, and a K-2 teacher. I am also on the School Improvement Team, which allows me to share a lot of information about what I am doing, but I like that the advisory council's sole focus is the school counseling program.
Whatever strategies you use, make sure to let people know that your job as a school counselor is essential to the students, staff, and families you work with each day. Happy Counseling! ~Angela
Did you post your Prezi on your site that you present at Staff Meetings?
ReplyDeleteHi Cynthia- I think I just posted the screenshots. If you email me at apoovey@hotmail.com I think I can share the link where you can view it as a Prezi....thanks for reading!
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