Thursday, July 18, 2013


It is simple, I love technology.   And, I especially love technology when I can use it in a purposeful way to make my life easier or do something exciting with my students.  Here are a few tech tools/websites I have been exploring lately:

1.  Symbaloo - Symbaloo is a visual bookmark page (almost like a visual Livebinder) where you can organize the websites you visit most.  They call the finished projects "webmixes" and you can search for keywords to find webmixes that might interest you.  The student applications for this website are numerous for teachers and school counselors.  I am already thinking of career lessons I present where students do their own research or go on webquests.  How convenient would it be for a Symbaloo to be the homepage during that activity?!  Here is an elementary school counseling Symbaloo I made with some of the websites I visit most- career resources, social media, blogs, literacy resources, anti-bullying sites, and technology-based programs that I use for student projects.  You can find it live by searching ES Counseling Tools.

2.  Tech Tip of the Week  - This website by Tammy Worcester has 100+ short and sweet tech tips.  You can sign up for her email newsletter and have each tip sent to your inbox to stay up-to-date on the latest and greatest tech tools.  Her tips on QR Codes and the app, Croak.It, are some of my faves.


 I love this website because it deals with being tech-savvy and tech-safe. There are tons of resources for educators, parents, and students.  In particular, their "Best in Learning" section ROCKS!  One of my goals this year is to help parents feel more comfortable with and aware of the tech tools their kids are using, and I will certainly be using this resource a lot!

Happy Counseling!  ~ Angela

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