Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Countdown to #NSCW16

Next week is National School Counseling Week; A week where I hope you will be recognized for the many contributions that you make to your school and students each day.  I hear from many of you that it is hard for you to promote yourself during School Counseling Week, and I get your perspective! I have always found it more fun when I focus on celebrating a school counseling program that is collaborative with parents and teachers and helps promote student success. I also LOVED combining Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) Week with School Counseling Week last year (check out my post here) and am going to do it again this year! I decided to take the ASCA theme- "School Counseling: A Recipe for Success" and switch it up to "Kindness: A Recipe for Success" as I celebrate BOTH school counseling AND RAK.  Don't forget that ASCA has a lot of great resources and photo challenges for National School Counseling sure to get those FB posts and tweets out with the hashtag #NSCW16! Look for mine at @apoovey with the additional hashtag of #groovypoovey.

After brainstorming my Random Acts of Kindness Activity Pack last year, I'm not changing things up too much with my new school and staff...,why reinvent the wheel when it was so much fun?!! My art teachers are helping out again with Kindness-grams, and the Leadership Club that I help sponsor is going to help us sort all 1,000 of them next week so we will be ready for our deliveries next Friday.  They will also make sure we haven't left any staff members out!

I have also been counting down each day on the morning show to give kids ideas of ways they can show kindness next week. My co-counselor and I are sticking with our Kindness Cocoa Bar as a random act of kindness for our staff, but she came up with the brilliant idea to use Keurigs and K-cups of hot chocolate instead of worrying about all those crockpots of hot chocolate to make....#thatwaseasy.  We will expand our toppings bar depending on how creative I get at the grocery store, and I'm sure it will be a welcome treat that staff can stop in and enjoy any time during the day.

I did change my body outlines from last year to hearts this year because it fit better with my "Kindness: A Recipe for Success" theme and the bulletin board I made. Each classroom will decorate their own heart to show examples of kindness through words and actions. I can't wait for those hearts to be overflowing out of my kindness cute!  Also, I put up my "tear a compliment" sheet on the bulletin board today just for fun and it's already totally empty before RAK week even starts! Looks like I'll need a few more copies to post around the school. 

Don't forget to check out my TPT if you are looking for some RAK ideas! I have my activity pack on SALE as a little RAK for you over the next couple of days. Check back next week for more photos and NSCW16 shout outs for our profession!
Enjoy and Happy Counseling! ~ Angela

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Get Ready....

I have been taking my recharging seriously as I focused on being relaxed and happy the past month and implementing my TOP 10 instant mood lifters.  Now, I am ready to get back to some new blog posts with a follow up to my goal-setting lesson, some academic habits lessons, Random Acts of Kindness Week, and book club updates on the horizon. Get ready!!!!

Also, I wanted to make sure EVERYONE knew that TPT is throwing a sitewide sale tomorrow AND Thursday.  Get TPT discounts along with my discounts on every item in the TPT Life on the Fly Counselor Store.  It's a great time to purchase those items that have been on your wish list!!

Enjoy and Happy Counseling! ~  Angela 
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