Sunday, May 17, 2015

Stick-To-It Thoughts

My co-counselor and I have been busy with our Test Success small groups that I wrote about here (on TPT here) and our EOG classroom lessons that I have mentioned before here.  This week is our final session before the BIG TESTS later next week. I am thinking about ending with a special  treat and have been checking out Pinterest for some fun ideas. Below are my favorites from a few different bloggers:
(Tales from Outside the Classroom)                   (Calico and Cupcakes)                                                (Primary Possibilities)

One of our last sessions is focused on test anxiety so after we practice our calm down strategies, we are going to take some time to share our positive thoughts with the rest of the school. I love these high fives from the blog, A Fellow School Counselor. The students can make them for their hallways and write things like "Free High Fives----You've got this!" or "Free High Fives----Go rock this test!".  I'll let them be creative!

I also promoted positive thoughts with this bulletin board, which will be added to as third grade EOG lessons are completed this week. My co-counselor is including an activity where students write down the positive thoughts they will use during the EOG on a post-it note.  We are displaying them for all to see here.

Also, I'm truly looking forward to another awesome EOG assembly this coming Friday. You may remember my past performances here and here. I promise I will not disappoint and have a gem of a performance lined up! Check back next week to see how it turned out.  Any guesses to what type of costume I will have???  Hang in there.....we are getting close!

Happy Counseling ~ Angela
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