
Monday, June 2, 2014

What Does the Fox Say?! EOGS!

You probably aren't surprised to see the picture above.  If nothing else, this blog documents my passion for kids, my love for having fun in my job, and my lack of concern about embarrassing myself on a regular basis.  So, when conversations started about our EOG pep rally this year, I decided to go big or go home! The video below on YouTube was my inspiration to use "What Does the Fox Say?" as our performance song for the third, fourth, and fifth grade EOG pep rally.

I ordered my fox costume on Ebay, and it was sent straight from China to my doorstep in a matter of weeks.  My co-counselor, the fabulous Amanda Collins, got her shirt for $5 from Walmart (our kind of price!) to fit in with the theme.  We changed the words up a bit, and I choreographed my own pop and lock dance routine at the end to give the performance a little extra pop! I also decided to include the students in the performance and created an iMovie that I played before the song began.  I asked a variety of third, fourth, and fifth grade students what their parents or teachers said they should do to pass the EOGs. Then, we segued into "what the fox says...."  Needless to say, the staff and students loved it! Check it out below.

Also, I finally got to use a great idea I saw awhile ago on Pinterest for the days of the EOGS. I headed to my school this past weekend and decorated the sidewalks leading from the carpool line and the bus loop.  As students arrived this morning to test, there were words of inspiration and encouragement greeting them as they walked in the school.  Hope your last days of school go well!

Enjoy and Happy Counseling! ~ Angela

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