*Image from westcoastmama.net
I am telling you this because we know that life doesn't always go
Technology is also a great way to keep these memories without creating too much clutter. I have started taking pictures of student notes so I can stay somewhat organized while also enjoying the sentiments.
I also love having this blog as a testament to the work I have accomplished through the year. So, in that vein, here are my TOP FIVE Groovy Poovey moments of 2014. Enjoy..............

2. Starting my Life On the Fly TPT Store
My Life on the Fly TPT Store was something I had thought about for quite awhile before I finally posted products this past July. Every product I share from my own school activities is carefully created in hopes that it will be helpful to other school counselors out there. Thanks for supporting me in this endeavor!

3. Receiving the Leading with the Heart award from my peers
I was so honored to be chosen by my staff to receive this award. It was truly one of the top highlights of my career!
Behind the scenes info: My son happened to break his elbow at recess the same afternoon I had this award presentation. The school couldn't reach me and called my principal to notify us what had happened 10 minutes before the reception started. My husband was on his way to meet me and quickly switched plans to take my son to the ER and orthopaedist's office. So, inside that smile was an anxious mama who wasn't quite sure what was going on, but I managed to keep it together for the award presentation. #mamaproblems

In 17 days I will find out the results of my RAMP application. Although I will be disappointed if I don't get it on the first try, I am so glad that I checked this professional "to do" off my bucket list. It is something I have talked about as a school counselor since graduate school and my early years in Wake County under the tutelage of Eric Sparks and Portia Lambright. My previous co-counselor, Amanda Collins, and I labored over the 100+ page document we submitted and did our very best work. I took this very grainy picture the day I finally finished....look at that smile!
Fingers crossed............................
5. Pounding the pavement to get cool things for my students
Kind of random way to describe it, but this is how I feel every time I write a grant to try and get something cool to use with my kids. I know I am not going to win every grant for which I apply. I know not every idea is going to be executed perfectly. I know there is lots of competition and some grants are easier to get than others. BUT, my dad was a phenomenal fundraiser and taught me without even knowing the zeal and persistence required to earn grants. This past year, I got four grants funded and have been able to integrate STEM and technology into my school initiatives in a way I never would have been able to without these funding sources. It has invigorated my students AND ME in a way that improves teaching and learning.
Thank you for taking the time to be a part of my year, whether you are a regular reader or this post is the first of mine you've ever seen. Happy New Year to you! May 2015 be realistically imperfect, BOLD, and fantastically fun! Happy Counseling! ~ Angela