Welcome to "Life on the Fly", my school counseling blog. I thought the title was fitting since we are the Dillard Drive dragonflies and work hard to SOAR each day. It's also a constant whirlwirld being a school counselor to 700+ students, and I often feel as if I'm "on the fly" at all times. I hope you will enjoy this blog as we "Race to the Top for Excellence" this school year.
Today was the first day of school, and it was great to see and hear all the excitment in the hallways. I loved meeting new Dillard students and their families, as well as seeing familiar faces. Now I just have to start practicing all the names! I will begin going into classrooms to introduce myself tomorrow and will be in all 33 K-5 classrooms by the first week in September....whew!
Feel free to post a comment if you are enjoying the blog, have a question, or just want to say "hi". Also, be sure to let me know if you are interested in helping out in the counseling office this year. We welcome any volunteers. Here's to a great 2011-2012 school year!